We are just like volcanoes
Ready to erupt anytime
Burning and suffocating each other
Coming time after time
Beautiful yet dangerous
Building in every moment
Till one day we explode Or
Go dormant
Leaving each other for another
Till the volcanoes wake up again
Unexpected gift, unbelievable creation--- Volcano. Something high with a big hole on top, but you will be suprised with its exploding mouth. You also wish to jump to see its core but you know, sad to say you're wrong, direct to heaven is where you go. Haha just kidding!
Seriously, you're wish is my command We can achieve to go in its center just for the volcano with an extinct eruption. What's that?! Stay curious! You'll know it in our next discussions. Studying volcano is so amazing. When volcano errupts many phenomenan will also occur. It shakes your mind🙄 But when you realized that volcano is wow fantastic baby you will appreciate its creation. Also volcanoes amake the world beautiful. They can be a tourist spot like the Mt. Mayon found in ours truly -- Philippines. But... Do you ever wonder climbing up mountains to see what's inside it? I think it is so amazing. Maybe you also think that the size of volcano is just a small hole? Hehehe. That's what in my mind when I'm imagining it. So, do you also think it? By the way, When were elementary our teachers mostly said that volcanoes have a shape of ICE CREAM CONE! CONE! CONE! So its makes our mouth to salivate hahaha. But on the next blog post you will learn more further and deeper about volcano. Many information are waiting for you! So let's go! It's discover time
Live. Learn. Love. Sciethetic AestheticxScience