Type of Volcano: Lava Domes
In previous blog we have given a short definition of Lava Domes. Now, We will give a deep meaning what Lava domes it is:
Lava domes are built by slow eruptions of highly viscous lavas. They are sometimes formed within the crater of a previous volcanic eruption (as in Mount Saint Helens), but can also form independently, as in the case of Lassen Peak. Like stratovolcanoes, they can produce violent, explosive eruptions, but their lavas generally do not flow far from the originating vent.
Lava domes, which may also be referred to as volcanic domes, are common features in volcanic regions throughout the world. Lava domes can come in many shapes and sizes, and while they may not be quite as spectacular as their explosive or flowing counterparts, they are often still an awe inspiring sight to see.
Lava domes are formed by viscous magma being erupted effusively onto the surface and then piling up around the vent. Like lava flows, they typically do not have enough gas or pressure to erupt explosively, although they may sometimes be preceded or followed by explosive activity.
Where do Lava Domes Form?
Lava domes can form anywhere associated with volcanic activity. They are commonly found within the crater of large composite volcanoes, such as Mount St. Helens, but are not limited to this location. They also often occur on the flanks of volcanoes. Lava domes can also be completely isolated from other volcanic features, or they may also occur in chains.
A very large Lava Domes in the Andes on 2009 pictures of Chao.
The Rhyolitic Lava Dome of Chaitén Volcano during its 2008–2009 eruption.
Lava domes in the crater of Mount St. Helens
That's all. Thankyou! Ready for another topic. :)