Dry Climates!
In this blog another type of climate will be discuss and this is the
"DRY CLIMATE" In dry climates, it only receive very little rainfall, it has a high rates of evaporation causes them to become drier. DESERTS
Picture: The Sahara Desert
Deserts are the most known driest climate it is mostly occur between about 15 to 30 latitude. This is where dry air sinks to the surface in the global circulation cells. Deserts receive less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of rain per year. They may covered with sand or be home to sparse but hardly plants. But, many deserts have hot days and cool nights. Deserts are often home to very unusual and well adapted plants.
Picture: Eurasian Steppe
Other dry climates gets a little more precipitation and they are called Steppes. A steppe is a semi-arid climate that receives up to 40 centimeters (16 inches) of precipitation each year. Steppes receive more rain than deserts. They are higher and have grasses and scrub. A region of steppe often have short grasses and low brushes. Steppe occur at higher latitudes than deserts. They are dry because they are in continental interiors or rain shadows.
That's all for Dry Climate... Be ready for the next topic :) See you!!!
AestheticxScience Scienthetic