Appearance of Star
Hello Guys! We will discuss today the Appearance of Star and to know how will appear they are.
Some stars have always stood out from the rest.
Their brightness is a factor of how much energy they put out–known as luminosity–and how far away from Earth they are.
Stars in the heavens may also appear to be different colors because their temperatures are not all the same.
Hot stars are white or blue, whereas cooler stars appear to have orange or red hues.
Nebulae (the plural of Nebula) are blurry patches of light in space that are not other galaxies but are in fact mostly in our own galaxy.
They are places where stars are born, are dying or have died.
The "Soul Nebula"
Open clusters are groups of stars close to each other in space. They form no specific symmetry and are usually very bright, indicating that they are young stars.
Globular clusters are spherical shaped with more stars nearer the nucleus. They resemble a fuzzy ball. These clusters are located around the galactic nucleus.
Hubble Gallery of Open Clusters
a globular cluster in Hercules
It's very beautiful how appeared they are.